Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Iced Tea, Beck and a Blueberry Scone.....

This morning, I could NOT drag my behind
out of bed.
Who am I kidding,
that's how I am EVERY morning.
This summer I have
quit drinking pop
my beloved chocolate milk.
I have since become addicted to
iced tea.
My favorite place to get it is
Dodici's Shop.
I will admit,
it is cheaper and just as easy to make it at home,
and I do.
But somedays,
I like to treat myself.
who am I kidding,
I treat myself most days.

While in at Dodici's
in they walk with a fresh
tray of scones.
I spied the blueberry one right
and because I was running late
I was also starving,
so I had to have me one.
All I can say
I nibbled on that thing all day
while sipping on iced tea,
my boy Beck's
new novel,
The Overton Window.
I couldn't put it down.
It is fascinating
and a little scary.
This novel is just a little too real to life
as we know it these days.
Kind of freaks me out.
But nonetheless,
I highly recommend it.

I must admit,
I think I have the best job ever!
Where else can I sit
ALL day,
without getting fired!

I tried to hide the book
and look busy
whenever shoppers came in.
I didn't want to look too lazy!
I don't know about you,
but sometimmes
I just need a lazy day

Here's to a productive day tomorow!!

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