Thursday, July 23, 2009

Weekend Plans.....

This weekend, my hubby and I will be attending his 20th high school class reunion. Because he graduated in the 80's, it got me thinking about all the really bodacious trends of that time. I don't know about you all, but I tried and would have KILLED for hair like this! Not only did I LOVE this band, but I loved their hair more!! They were so rad!!

Do you remember this........ ahhhh yes, Aqua Net! Like, that is how we got that totally bitchin' hair! Who could ever forget the horrible smell, it like totally gagged me with a spoon!!

And nothing says 80's quite like the people of Dynasty! I used to watch this with my mom while laying in the waterbed with popcorn and a Pepsi. Ahhhh, those were the days!
I hope you have a great weekend. If you have the time sit back, relax and pop open a Bartles & James wine cooler. :)


Anonymous said...

like totally for sure! I had those rad bangs that like stuck up 3 inches above my forehead to like go with my killer spiral perm! Like you know...

~h~ said...

You are still bitchin', Trisha. hahaha. Have fun at the reunion. I'm sure Tork will be the belle of the ball. :)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha...this is so funny! I had those bangs too, and yes they were stiff as a board...have fun Tricia...XO

Jeanne Oliver said...

I was laughing out loud on this one. I used so much Aqua Net in the 80s that most of my room had a film over it!!! So gross.

Jessica said...

There is an award waiting for you on my blog.. come & get it! :)

Nora said...

I agree...I need to commit to doing more of those things for others. I used to do that a lot but have lost sight of that. It's important to remember that sometimes the little things can make all the difference in someones life.